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Interactive ECG Simulator Defibrillation shock can be delivered through manikin or simulator. Practice operating your defibrillator/external pacer without a manikin Connect defibrillator/external pacer to simulator using adapters. Built-in circuitry allows you to defibrillate and pace directly into the simulator and observe ECG rhythms through the PADS connector Convert feature Select another rhythm to run immediately after defib discharge Pacing can be done on any manufacturer's defibrillator Waveforms Available for Pacing Include: Sinus Brady Junctional Brady Second degree type I A-V block Second degree type II A-V block Second degree type II A-V block with PVCs Third degree A-V block 17 Adult/Pediatric Rhythms V. Fib V. Tach (Slow) V. Tach (Fast) A Flutter V. Tach (Polymorphic) Junctional Brady A Fib NSR Asystole Sinus Brady Sinus with PVCs Sinus Tach SVT Second degree type I A-V block Second degree type II A-V block Second degree type II A-V block with PVCs Third degree A-V block Generate realistic 3-lead or 4-lead ECG rhythms The RA, LA, and LL signal morphologies create accurate representations of the QRS, P, and T axes. Size 9" x 6" x 2".Ship weight 2 lbs